A study on branding and landing page layout


A final project for a digital design course


One week in February 2020


Adobe Photoshop and Figma


Me, myself, and I

My final project for my Foundations of Digital Design class was a landing page mockup for a drone company. The page showcases the features and capabilities of the product while looking clean and modern, with many subtle details that makes the site more professional. The target demographic of this drone are young adults who are interested in drone photography.

While developing the logo for this brand, I had a drone-blade inspired design in mind. Thus, I played with and exaggerated the form of a blade and played with positioning. The line weight was kept the same for most lines, and no colors were used to make it as flexible and minimal as possible.


In the end, I chose the design in the middle. The abstract shapes still hold the form of a blade, yet it is more organic and suggests the hybridization of wings found in nature. I also created my own modern sans serif typeform, which still reads as “AERI” through the Gestalt principle of reification. The final design is shown below.


When creating my greyscales, I tried iterating on unique website compositions that would give rise to a fluid user flow. Since this is a technology company, I made sure to follow a grid layout. The site also utilizes a lot of white space, with pops of color from the scenic images and graphics.


This is the final mockup:

Desktop - 6.png

Branding Projects Visual Identity